Kai Angermann was born in 1972 in Nürnberg/Germany.
He studied percussion at Cologne University of Music (campus Wuppertal)
under Mathias Haus and Professor Christian Roderburg, at the Drummers
Institute in Düsseldorf and the Drummers Collective in New York. Kai
Angermann operates as music teacher, independent drummer and soloist.
In addition to his work on band and ensemble his musical interest focuses on
improvisational music and on projects which interact and get in touch with other
art forms as painting, video art, light art, dance and theatre. He realizes his
musical ideas drawing from the rich body of percussion and making use of the
electronic alienation of acoustic sounds. As particularly attractive he would call
the handling of electronics and the possibilities to influence the musical
“material” as well as the variety of percussion instruments.